Microsoft Power Apps: Top 4 business problems you'll smash
Your employees are not filling out their time sheets and you are unable to follow in real time the management of a project? What to do when some of your management solution problems fall into the cracks? Designing an application is often the best solution to solving these irritating problems.
Business problems can persist even when investing in a high-performance management system. Here are 4 business problems that can be resolved by creating your own Microsoft Power Apps application.
1- A non-standardized process
Some processes are not always supported by the management solution. The methods of handling these processes often vary depending on the employee working on them. Does this sound familiar to you?
Related problems
- Misinterpretation of data
- Data Losses
- Disruption of processes when a key employee leaves the company
Virtually any support process, administrative or departmental, can be standardized with Power Apps. For example, you can create an application with Power Apps for approving expense accounts, tracking contract and licence renewals, etc. The data collected in your application will be connected directly to your global management solution.
2- Your managers lack thoroughness in the follow-up of employees
Receiving feedback from a superior is crucial in ensuring that your employees can optimize their performance. For this reason, many companies periodically provide short one-on-one coaching sessions that are dedicated to these exchanges. But the frequency of these meetings often varies from one manager to another. How can you standardize the intervals between these follow-ups for all your executives?
Associated problems
- Employees feel left to their own devices and lose motivation as a result.
- Inconsistencies of some of your employees with the objectives set by the executive.
Create a Microsoft Power Apps application to track your employees. Your managers will have a simple checkbox on the application when they have had their meeting with an employee. They will receive a notification when they have to book another meeting with the same employee.
3- Your employees do not fill out their timesheet
The timesheet is a recurring issue in companies. We have also had to deal with it. Knowing the time and the projects your employees have worked on is, however, essential to properly plan your production. How can you make it easier for them to fill out their time sheet on a daily basis?
Associated problems
- Poor evaluation of the time available to employees to complete projects.
- Difficulty in planning production due to lack of knowledge of the tasks performed
- Loss of revenue associated with unrecorded hours
Create a simpler mobile application to allow your employees to enter their hours more easily, right from their phones. This tool is especially convenient for your employees that are on the road and do not always have access to a computer. The application can also notify your employees who are late in entering their hours. Read our tips on how to build this application.
4- Lack of follow-up on the work steps of suppliers
Many organizations do business with outside companies. For example, your organization may use subcontractors to maintain the engines of your vehicles. But without access to the steps completed directly by these suppliers in your management system, it is difficult to control their work and to have a follow-up in real-time follow-up.
Associated problems
- Ignorance of the work progress of the external company can limit your actions.
- Difficulty following their work and asking for adjustments if necessary.
With Power Apps, you can build an application that allows the subcontracting company to communicate live the progress of the maintenance. Through a self-service portal, their employees will be able to easily enter this information, which you will consult in your database. So, this simple return of essential data allows you to be much more reactive in your management.
What's Microsoft Power Apps? Watch the video
In short, Power Apps allows you to easily build custom applications for a specific problem. So, these 4 business problems are just a few examples. You can build an application with Power Apps for any specific issue that is not covered by your business management solution. This is especially useful to stay agile. Although it is true that issues can regularly arise during the evolution of your business, Power Apps allows you to quickly and easily build an application to address them. Moreover, the data collected in it will also be stored in your global management system.
What's next?
Want to learn more about how you can use Microsoft Power Apps to solve your business problems? Contact one of our experts.